Procedural Planet
Procedural Planet is a software library for procedurally generating realistic-looking planets and moons. It is not supposed to be a general-purpose library for procedurally generated terrain,
but instead contains classes for generating specific terrain that is common to most planets and moons in the real world. The library is mainly intended for game developers to pre-generate realistic terrain for any space-related games.
Procedural Planet is writen in Java, and does not require and additional software libraries beside Java’s standard library.
All generators can output heightmaps at arbitrary resolutions to allow for detail of up to a meter per pixel on the equator. The heightmaps can also be exported using a 24-bits of height information, allowing for a vertical resolution of +- <1 millimeter per pixel in most common use cases.
Example renders of the types of generators that are available in Procedural Planet can be seen below.
The habitable world generator is the most complex generator so far. It generates an entire earth-like planet in high detail with a number of ’biomes’ present on the surface, including regular plains, hills, mountains, deserts, taigas, oceans and polar icecaps.
The generator is highly configurable and every aspect of the terrain generation can be controlled by the user, to change the shape and roughness of the general terrain, or terrain inside individual biomes.
The generator also attempts to simulate the effects different surface temperatures can have on the terrain, two examples of which can be seen in the image on the left.
Total amount of configurable parameters: 200
The Gray Moon Generator is capable of generating bodies simillar in appearance to Earth’s moon, including it’s iconic maria and cratered surface. However, with some modification to the generator’s settings (particularely the color and noise scale parameters), it can also be used to generate bodies that resemble some of the gas giant moons and dwarf planets that can be found in the real solar system.
Total amount of configurable parameters: 185
The Asteroid Generator creates simple asteroids perfect for filling out an asteroid belt or for generating minor moons of a gas giant. The shape generation is configurable, meaning a wide range of asteroid types can be generated.
Total amount of configurable parameters: 84
but instead contains classes for generating specific terrain that is common to most planets and moons in the real world. The library is mainly intended for game developers to pre-generate realistic terrain for any space-related games.
Procedural Planet is writen in Java, and does not require and additional software libraries beside Java’s standard library.
All generators can output heightmaps at arbitrary resolutions to allow for detail of up to a meter per pixel on the equator. The heightmaps can also be exported using a 24-bits of height information, allowing for a vertical resolution of +- <1 millimeter per pixel in most common use cases.
Example renders of the types of generators that are available in Procedural Planet can be seen below.
Habitable Worlds

The generator is highly configurable and every aspect of the terrain generation can be controlled by the user, to change the shape and roughness of the general terrain, or terrain inside individual biomes.
The generator also attempts to simulate the effects different surface temperatures can have on the terrain, two examples of which can be seen in the image on the left.
Total amount of configurable parameters: 200
Gray Moons

Total amount of configurable parameters: 185

Total amount of configurable parameters: 84