Welcome to Tholin’s Place!


My name is Tholin, welcome to my website. Here, I like to show off most of my larger projects (including this website itself), but it’s also a place for me to experiment with my web development skills.

With AVR Assembly as my first programming language, I was forged in the fires of assembly, and so I mostly enjoy working with low-level languages and systems to this day, a bunch of which you'll see presented on this website. This has also lead me to enjoy graphics shader programming very much, and I like to use them to do all sorts of crazy things that they really weren’t designed for.

I'm also a VR enthusiast though, so you’ll also see me work in Unity quite a bit to bring my Ideas to life in VRChat.
If you want to nerd out with me about or need help with shader programming or digital electronics, feel free to reach out.

He/Him (default), She/Her (sometimes)

Fave languages: Z80 Assembly C HLSL C#